These past few weeks have been very crazy around here. With Erik moving out to Mason City for work and the girls and I adjusting to yet another new schedule, I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed at times. So overwhelmed that the thought of even making new blogs seems too overwhelming!! lol. (How hard can typing a blog daily be right?)
Anywho I just wanted to stop in and let you all know we're all still living and doing well. You'll probably see a lot more cluster blogs from us for a while until we can get all settled in and figured out. A lot of times, I'll make a post and not publish it until later so that I can add pictures to it or whatever, then I'll sit down one night and publish them all.. hence the magic appearance of so many posts all at once.(You'd think with all this extra time, I'd be able to make better quality posts, but oh well.. this is all I've got for ya folks!!)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween 2009 was a very good one in Iowa. The weather was almost perfect.. just the right amount of cool, no rain, and not too breezy.
With the added stress I've been under lately, I was having a hard time getting into Halloween this year. Which sucks, btw, as Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love the decorations, I love to hand out candy to kids, and now I'm really loving taking the girls around to trick-or-treat. Plus any holiday that is pretty much centered on candy cannot be a bad thing right? Well I hadn't put up any decorations, we didn't carve any pumpkins, and I had no idea what the girls were going to dress up for this year.
At the last minute I ran to Wal-Mart and picked a bag of candy to pass out. Ya.. I said "a" bag of candy. I refuse to buy the crap candy and the good stuff is expensive nowadays!! So being on a budget, I had to tell myself that there'd be no handfuls of yummy candy bars for kids this year.. just one piece per kid. (Oh the humanity!!!!) While at Wallyworld I grabbed the girls some costumes. Addie, a pirate princess, and Bethy, an elephant. Not the most unique costumes in the world, but hey they worked. And... my girls can pull of anything!! lol (ok ok I'm a bit biased)
(Don't mind the crappy coloring on the photos.. please refer to the other post about me needing a new camera!!)

With the added stress I've been under lately, I was having a hard time getting into Halloween this year. Which sucks, btw, as Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love the decorations, I love to hand out candy to kids, and now I'm really loving taking the girls around to trick-or-treat. Plus any holiday that is pretty much centered on candy cannot be a bad thing right? Well I hadn't put up any decorations, we didn't carve any pumpkins, and I had no idea what the girls were going to dress up for this year.
At the last minute I ran to Wal-Mart and picked a bag of candy to pass out. Ya.. I said "a" bag of candy. I refuse to buy the crap candy and the good stuff is expensive nowadays!! So being on a budget, I had to tell myself that there'd be no handfuls of yummy candy bars for kids this year.. just one piece per kid. (Oh the humanity!!!!) While at Wallyworld I grabbed the girls some costumes. Addie, a pirate princess, and Bethy, an elephant. Not the most unique costumes in the world, but hey they worked. And... my girls can pull of anything!! lol (ok ok I'm a bit biased)
(Don't mind the crappy coloring on the photos.. please refer to the other post about me needing a new camera!!)

Saturday, October 24, 2009
I need a new camera!!
So my camera is pooping out on me lately. Most of the pictures I take tend to have some terrible pink thing going on nowadays.. Sometimes I can catch it on a good day, but most of the time it's just not fun.
So you'll please have to excuse the lack of good pictures lately. Hopefully in the next month or two I'll be able to upgrade to a newer and better camera.
So you'll please have to excuse the lack of good pictures lately. Hopefully in the next month or two I'll be able to upgrade to a newer and better camera.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Bethany's First Birthday
Today was a pretty good day. This morning I finished up Bethany's cake (well actually I had to remove all the leaves and start over as they did not darken as I had hoped). The family came over for cake and ice cream around 11:30am.
Bethany was not very interested in opening her presents so Addie was "kind" enough to do it for her! Pretty much Addie opened all of them, but that's ok. Beth couldn't have cared less lol. What a good big sister Addie was though!
While not quite sure what to expect when it came to Bethany's first cake experience, I'd have to say it was a little disappointing. She would poke at it and grab it and eat a bit, but nothing dramatic or funny as her older sister had done. Wouldn't that be just like Bethany though? To be such a little drama queen most of the time, but once the spot light is really on her and she has a free chance at making a mess, she just gets all laid back!!

Bethany was not very interested in opening her presents so Addie was "kind" enough to do it for her! Pretty much Addie opened all of them, but that's ok. Beth couldn't have cared less lol. What a good big sister Addie was though!
While not quite sure what to expect when it came to Bethany's first cake experience, I'd have to say it was a little disappointing. She would poke at it and grab it and eat a bit, but nothing dramatic or funny as her older sister had done. Wouldn't that be just like Bethany though? To be such a little drama queen most of the time, but once the spot light is really on her and she has a free chance at making a mess, she just gets all laid back!!

Friday, October 16, 2009
Update on Addie's exostoses
Our visit with the new doctor at Children's Mercy went well today. The doctor was very nice and Addie was very well behaved. He seemed impressed with her ability to sit still and let him touch her.... but ever since her trip to the ER, she's a big doctor fan.
He checked all over her body and actually found 2 more tumors that I hadn't found yet. He said he wasn't too concerned with them as of yet, but we'd need to keep an eye on the ones on her ankle and wrist, because those are the ones that tend to become problematic as they can interfere with the two bones that run next to each other (for example, the ulna and the radius of the forearm). He did not take any x-rays today, but has asked to see her again next year, unless any problems arise, at which point he'll be sending her in for x-rays. He'll also be seeing Bethy then too.
Interesting side note: While asking about our family history and such, he asked if my brothers, who also have MHE, are tall or not. I told him how tall they both were. He found it interesting as apparently most people with MHE are very short because the bones spend so much "energy" making tumors that they don't grow very well. Oh, and we all have a very mild case of MHE. I guess most people that have it have many, many exostoses, which tend to really interfere with living. I suppose that's a good thing for us!
He checked all over her body and actually found 2 more tumors that I hadn't found yet. He said he wasn't too concerned with them as of yet, but we'd need to keep an eye on the ones on her ankle and wrist, because those are the ones that tend to become problematic as they can interfere with the two bones that run next to each other (for example, the ulna and the radius of the forearm). He did not take any x-rays today, but has asked to see her again next year, unless any problems arise, at which point he'll be sending her in for x-rays. He'll also be seeing Bethy then too.
Interesting side note: While asking about our family history and such, he asked if my brothers, who also have MHE, are tall or not. I told him how tall they both were. He found it interesting as apparently most people with MHE are very short because the bones spend so much "energy" making tumors that they don't grow very well. Oh, and we all have a very mild case of MHE. I guess most people that have it have many, many exostoses, which tend to really interfere with living. I suppose that's a good thing for us!
Monday, October 12, 2009
My Green Thumb
Last night my neighbor, Shelly, was able to come over and help me split some plants and transplant them to other places in my yard. She has been talking to me about doing this for some time, but we could never find the time to get it done. So after bundling up Addie we went outside and I learned how to slpit plants. It was ea-sy. Now I'm like ooh I can do that... but will I ever? That is yet to be seen.
It's great because Shelly is really good with gardening and she has so many plans for my yard.. that's right, she has plans for MY yard lol. I am excited. We were also able to find some nice rocks to add to the landscaping for free (again Shelly found them - she's a wonder woman I tell ya). I'll try to get some pictures as soon as I can, but it probably won't look good until spring.. so maybe not.
Addie had a wonderful time playing outdoors though. She got to dig in the dirt, climb on the dirt pile from the construction, and play in the leaves that have just recently taken over my yard. She did faceplant once onto the sidewalk winding up with a bloody nose, but it didn't keep her inside! That girl loves the outdoors.
It's great because Shelly is really good with gardening and she has so many plans for my yard.. that's right, she has plans for MY yard lol. I am excited. We were also able to find some nice rocks to add to the landscaping for free (again Shelly found them - she's a wonder woman I tell ya). I'll try to get some pictures as soon as I can, but it probably won't look good until spring.. so maybe not.
Addie had a wonderful time playing outdoors though. She got to dig in the dirt, climb on the dirt pile from the construction, and play in the leaves that have just recently taken over my yard. She did faceplant once onto the sidewalk winding up with a bloody nose, but it didn't keep her inside! That girl loves the outdoors.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
All Alone Again
Welp, here we are, just the girls and I. Erik is gone for the second week to Mason City for work. Bethy, Addie, and I are managing mostly ok, although I had hoped to transform into some sort of super mommy during the past week that was able to not only work full-time, but have a spic&span clean house, spend oodles of time with my girls, and have lots of left over time to do crafts or catch up on shows. For some reason that didn't work out though, I'm not sure why....
Erik was able to come home from MC this weekend which was nice. He helped me get on top of the housework finally, gave me time to get the grass cut one last time, and we were able to hang out some and watch the Chiefs lose.. again.
Tonight he took off and I'm feeling pretty sad right now. It's not like we've not done this a bazillion times in our lives.. first the Marine Corp, then college, then the new job, then the pregnancy, now the job again. We won't be seeing him again for about 2 weeks this time as we're heading down to KC for Addie's appointment at Children's Mercy this coming week. It's only two weeks, and I'm grateful that it's not more, but man I'm pretty depressed. When will we ever get to lead a "normal" life? Never. Even when it all settles down and I no longer have to work, we'll still be playing the every other day game with him gone on the railroad. It's a choice we've made and we'll deal, but please excuse me this one complaint tonight.
Addie has been enjoying sleeping in my bed.. well at least falling asleep in my bed when daddy's gone. I will admit, I really enjoy it too. She is just so nice to cuddle up to nowadays. It fills my heart with warmth and happiness to just look at her and chat with her there. Her latest word/sentence fad? "Cut it out". While I'm tickling her she'll say "Cut it out mommy." It's the cutest thing. Doh, speaking of.. there she is not sleeping. Off to rescue her.
Erik was able to come home from MC this weekend which was nice. He helped me get on top of the housework finally, gave me time to get the grass cut one last time, and we were able to hang out some and watch the Chiefs lose.. again.
Tonight he took off and I'm feeling pretty sad right now. It's not like we've not done this a bazillion times in our lives.. first the Marine Corp, then college, then the new job, then the pregnancy, now the job again. We won't be seeing him again for about 2 weeks this time as we're heading down to KC for Addie's appointment at Children's Mercy this coming week. It's only two weeks, and I'm grateful that it's not more, but man I'm pretty depressed. When will we ever get to lead a "normal" life? Never. Even when it all settles down and I no longer have to work, we'll still be playing the every other day game with him gone on the railroad. It's a choice we've made and we'll deal, but please excuse me this one complaint tonight.
Addie has been enjoying sleeping in my bed.. well at least falling asleep in my bed when daddy's gone. I will admit, I really enjoy it too. She is just so nice to cuddle up to nowadays. It fills my heart with warmth and happiness to just look at her and chat with her there. Her latest word/sentence fad? "Cut it out". While I'm tickling her she'll say "Cut it out mommy." It's the cutest thing. Doh, speaking of.. there she is not sleeping. Off to rescue her.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Mommy Date?
So this may seem a bit cheesy but I think I've set up a "mommy date" for next weekend while I'm in KC. Woot. I never get to go out.. especially without the girls. And the awesome part is I can actually stay out past their bedtime because I trust my mom with the girls and bedtime. Normally I hate leaving them with people other than Erik or I around that time of night. It's just our special time and I enjoy putting my kids to sleep (most of the time lol).
Soooo hopefully I'll be able to get this thing all set up and meet up with some awesome women from BabyCenter while I'm in town. I've made so many friends from that site, it's funny.. but cool.
Soooo hopefully I'll be able to get this thing all set up and meet up with some awesome women from BabyCenter while I'm in town. I've made so many friends from that site, it's funny.. but cool.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
That Silly Daddy
Thursday, September 24, 2009
All 4 Grandkids
We snapped a few pictures of Addie, Bethany, and Kyle's twins, Guin and Evie, while we were in KC. They were not too happy with us taking their pictures while they were stuck in carseats.. but I think they'll live lol. Poor Bethany is nearly the same size as the girls, who are 3 months younger. Teeny girl.

And here are two of just the girls that same day:

And here are two of just the girls that same day:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Another long day
We made our way home today and boy I'm tired. Oh and I'm short one child too... Those damned grandparents are kid thieves I tell ya. Adalia was given the option to stay at grandma's house or go home and see daddy and she decided to stay with grandma (go figure!) Um sorry there daddy... grandma takes the cake in this one's eyes.
Our evening was pretty boring here, if you discount all of the crying and whining Bethany entertained us with. I can't imagine she was that tired as she slept almost the whole car ride home (woohoo!!!), but she sure was cranky. Maybe she just noticed something was missing... something that is about 3 feet tall, really loud, and very "I can do it myself" independent. Either way we had a long evening until bedtime.
After bedtime I settled in for some well deserved internet time. And by well deserved, I mean I haven't done a darn thing today so I might as well keep up my lazy streak and not do anything this evening too.
After calling to check in on the ol' Addster, I'm thinking I should finally be in bed. But now I can't help but miss her and want her home again. Gah! Why is it no one ever told me how much I would want my kids to go away, but once they finally did go away how much I would want to irrationally demand them back this very second!!!! I think I'll go cry myself to sleep now.... (ok ok I'm not that emotional, but still, there is a glint of a tear in my eye as I write this.)
Our evening was pretty boring here, if you discount all of the crying and whining Bethany entertained us with. I can't imagine she was that tired as she slept almost the whole car ride home (woohoo!!!), but she sure was cranky. Maybe she just noticed something was missing... something that is about 3 feet tall, really loud, and very "I can do it myself" independent. Either way we had a long evening until bedtime.
After bedtime I settled in for some well deserved internet time. And by well deserved, I mean I haven't done a darn thing today so I might as well keep up my lazy streak and not do anything this evening too.
After calling to check in on the ol' Addster, I'm thinking I should finally be in bed. But now I can't help but miss her and want her home again. Gah! Why is it no one ever told me how much I would want my kids to go away, but once they finally did go away how much I would want to irrationally demand them back this very second!!!! I think I'll go cry myself to sleep now.... (ok ok I'm not that emotional, but still, there is a glint of a tear in my eye as I write this.)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Wedding crashers
This weekend we made a last minute decision to travel to Kansas City for my cousin's wedding. We had originally planned attending, but then decided against it a few weeks ago. After some pressuring from Erik, I decided that it was worth it for peace of mind and of course my family rarely objects to seeing the girls (and me I suppose lol).
The wedding was beautiful and we had a great time. From the moment we walked in the door my girls were all over that dance floor though! (I'm hoping it wasn't in the "omg someone needs to get their kids under control" sort of way.. I don't think it was lol)
Oh man were they worn out at the end of the night.

The wedding was beautiful and we had a great time. From the moment we walked in the door my girls were all over that dance floor though! (I'm hoping it wasn't in the "omg someone needs to get their kids under control" sort of way.. I don't think it was lol)
Oh man were they worn out at the end of the night.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Nice days of September
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Piggy-bank playtime
Tonight Beth and I spent some quality time on the couch learning how to put coins into the piggy-bank and then take them out of the belly. She also practiced sharing things with of her new favorite things. She loves to hand things to people when they ask for them.
After a while Addie noticed we were playing without her (ah! how could we?!?!?!) and came to join us on the couch. They were playing very well together, sharing, taking turns, and cheering for each other that I had to get it on film. Unfortunately the lighting was pretty dark, so you'll have to bare with me on this video. Oh and please note how Addie almost always has to say "Baby Bethany"... it's never just plain ol' Beth or Bethany.. it's got to be the full name: "Baby Bethany".
(Oh and when I look at our blog on the laptop, it looks really bad and is hard to read. But on our pc it looks great. So if any of you out there that actually read this thing are having a hard time seeing stuff, please let me know so I can fix it. Maybe it's just my laptop.. but I don't want it to look like poo for other people too. )
After a while Addie noticed we were playing without her (ah! how could we?!?!?!) and came to join us on the couch. They were playing very well together, sharing, taking turns, and cheering for each other that I had to get it on film. Unfortunately the lighting was pretty dark, so you'll have to bare with me on this video. Oh and please note how Addie almost always has to say "Baby Bethany"... it's never just plain ol' Beth or Bethany.. it's got to be the full name: "Baby Bethany".
(Oh and when I look at our blog on the laptop, it looks really bad and is hard to read. But on our pc it looks great. So if any of you out there that actually read this thing are having a hard time seeing stuff, please let me know so I can fix it. Maybe it's just my laptop.. but I don't want it to look like poo for other people too. )
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Sure does
Sure does has now become the catch-all saying for Addie when answering a question.
Me: "Wow, wasn't that nice of Bethany to share her toys?"
Addie: "Sure does"
Me: "Would you like some more milk?"
Addie: "Sure does"
Me: "That dress looks small, do you think it fits baby Bethany?"
Addie: "Sure does"
I'd love to say that I have no idea where she got the saying from, but I'm fairly certain it comes from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Mickey will often ask the audience if certain things look like they fit somewhere or if something matches this or that, pause for a second, and then say "it sure does!".
And people say that kids can't learn anything from television.... gah I must turn off the Disney channel every now and again!
Me: "Wow, wasn't that nice of Bethany to share her toys?"
Addie: "Sure does"
Me: "Would you like some more milk?"
Addie: "Sure does"
Me: "That dress looks small, do you think it fits baby Bethany?"
Addie: "Sure does"
I'd love to say that I have no idea where she got the saying from, but I'm fairly certain it comes from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Mickey will often ask the audience if certain things look like they fit somewhere or if something matches this or that, pause for a second, and then say "it sure does!".
And people say that kids can't learn anything from television.... gah I must turn off the Disney channel every now and again!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Linus in the making
Bethany certainly isn't attached to a blanket yet, but she has been showing more interest in some things lately.. like blankets. Addie has "her" pink blanket and although it doesn't go everywhere with her, it's with her enough that I'm sure Bethy has picked up on its significance. So I'm assuming that Beth is just mocking her older sister.. go figure!
Today we were able to get a few videos of Bethany not only showing off her super walking skills, but also showing her Linus side.. dragging a blanket everywhere she goes.
Today we were able to get a few videos of Bethany not only showing off her super walking skills, but also showing her Linus side.. dragging a blanket everywhere she goes.
Monday, August 31, 2009
When left alone...
This is what Addie decides to do with herself:

Now that Addie can get out of bed on her own she's taken to entertaining herself (and Beth when she's awake) after naps. She loves to get into the dresser and pull out clothes and shoes. In the pictures above, she had gotten out several of those little head bow things that baby girls use and decided to dress herself up in them. One around the neck, one on her arm, one in her hair.. perfect! This is how I found her after her nap.
She also loves to get the hangers off the low bar in the closet and then re-hang them later. Most of the time she's entertaining Bethy though. She'll pass her toys into her crib or sing to her or just be silly and make her laugh. They are quite the duo in the afternoons chatting and playing perfectly together until I get them out of their room. I've even walked in to find Addie sitting on the floor next to Beth's crib reading a book to her out loud. It was just perfect. She's such a good big sister!

Now that Addie can get out of bed on her own she's taken to entertaining herself (and Beth when she's awake) after naps. She loves to get into the dresser and pull out clothes and shoes. In the pictures above, she had gotten out several of those little head bow things that baby girls use and decided to dress herself up in them. One around the neck, one on her arm, one in her hair.. perfect! This is how I found her after her nap.
She also loves to get the hangers off the low bar in the closet and then re-hang them later. Most of the time she's entertaining Bethy though. She'll pass her toys into her crib or sing to her or just be silly and make her laugh. They are quite the duo in the afternoons chatting and playing perfectly together until I get them out of their room. I've even walked in to find Addie sitting on the floor next to Beth's crib reading a book to her out loud. It was just perfect. She's such a good big sister!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Pretty Addie
This week I bought some fingernail polish and finally painted Addie's nails for the first time. She loved it!
I've always been afraid to do it before as she constantly had her fingers in her mouth and I don't need her eating nail polish, but now I feel a lot more comfortable with the idea. She's smart enough to understand when told not to do something after being told why.
Her perfectly pink little fingers and toes are just adorable by the way! How girly she is... and how much I love it! Can you imagine me of all people loving my little girly-girl? (Well, of course I love her, but I mean loving how girly she is!!) She absolutely loves to play dress-up now, which is pretty cute. She will get on her dress, a necklace, her shoes, have her hair done, and now flaunt her pretty painted fingernails. Oh and no outfit is complete without a handbag stuffed to the brim with toys and blocks and books. What a princess in training!! Oh well... what little girl doesn't dream of being a princess at least once? Might as well let her get it out of her system now... before all the bad traits show up that come along with being a princess.
I've always been afraid to do it before as she constantly had her fingers in her mouth and I don't need her eating nail polish, but now I feel a lot more comfortable with the idea. She's smart enough to understand when told not to do something after being told why.
Her perfectly pink little fingers and toes are just adorable by the way! How girly she is... and how much I love it! Can you imagine me of all people loving my little girly-girl? (Well, of course I love her, but I mean loving how girly she is!!) She absolutely loves to play dress-up now, which is pretty cute. She will get on her dress, a necklace, her shoes, have her hair done, and now flaunt her pretty painted fingernails. Oh and no outfit is complete without a handbag stuffed to the brim with toys and blocks and books. What a princess in training!! Oh well... what little girl doesn't dream of being a princess at least once? Might as well let her get it out of her system now... before all the bad traits show up that come along with being a princess.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Be Patient
I have to say that I'm pretty stoked lately as it seems that some of our parenting is finally sinking in with Addie. I'm sure there's been a lot that's actually sank in, but to have her give us blatant examples is pretty reassuring that we must be doing something right.
Lately Adalia has taken to telling Bethany "Beeeeee patient, Baby Bethany". While in the car riding places if Bethany starts to get cranky or even just plain ol' chatty, Addie will kindly inform her that she must be patient. Each time Beth opens her mouth to speak Addie counters with another "Baby Bethany, no talking. Be patient." Pretty much Bethany is not allowed to talk without being scolded and told that she must be patient. I'm not sure why Addie thinks that being patient means being quiet, but it probably has to do something with her being told to stop crying and waiting whenever she "needs" something right now!
It's also nice when Addie actually puts this saying into practice herself. The other day I actually told her to be patient as I was in the middle of cooking some food. I explained to her what I was doing, how long it would take, and how once I was finished I would then get her a cup of milk. She repeated the saying back to me again and patiently sat there waiting. When I was finished she told me all about how she was patient! Awesome!!! A 2 year old learning the value of patience. Amazing. I'm sure it will fly out the door as soon quickly as it came in, but for right now it's just awesome.
Lately Adalia has taken to telling Bethany "Beeeeee patient, Baby Bethany". While in the car riding places if Bethany starts to get cranky or even just plain ol' chatty, Addie will kindly inform her that she must be patient. Each time Beth opens her mouth to speak Addie counters with another "Baby Bethany, no talking. Be patient." Pretty much Bethany is not allowed to talk without being scolded and told that she must be patient. I'm not sure why Addie thinks that being patient means being quiet, but it probably has to do something with her being told to stop crying and waiting whenever she "needs" something right now!
It's also nice when Addie actually puts this saying into practice herself. The other day I actually told her to be patient as I was in the middle of cooking some food. I explained to her what I was doing, how long it would take, and how once I was finished I would then get her a cup of milk. She repeated the saying back to me again and patiently sat there waiting. When I was finished she told me all about how she was patient! Awesome!!! A 2 year old learning the value of patience. Amazing. I'm sure it will fly out the door as soon quickly as it came in, but for right now it's just awesome.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tonight Addie and I spent some much needed cuddle time on my bed after Bethany was asleep. I think they've both been needing a little more face time than I've been giving them and I need to fix that. We laid on my bed all cuddled under the blankets just talking. It's so wonderful to finally be at that point when your child can actually carry on conversations with you. Granted, they are still pretty hectic, and filled with a lot of repeating each other, but it's amazing to ask her what she wants to do tomorrow and get an answer: "Go downstairs and watch Mickey Mouse." hahaha
I just think it's so cool when you step back and think about it. Of course she's a brilliant kid (who's kid isn't?), but some of the things we take for granted as adults are just so freaking awesome to witness in children. Like the fact that she now understands the concept of time. Tomorrow follows today; it will start when I wake up in the morning. Or how she can remember the activities of not only today, but days, weeks, even months ago. (If I have to hear about Uncle James' animals from 3 months ago one more time..)
Watching her make a decision as simple as picking out a movie is terrific too. It's not just a movie.. it's a choice.. her choice. Something she tries everyday to establish, her independence, is just thrust upon her every evening before her movie time. You can watch her relish the moment as she walks back and forth eying the 10 or so DVDs laid out for her approval. Beaming, she'll pick a movie and remind me that she also learned a new phrase recently.. "Addie made good decision". That you did there kiddo, that you did, Peter Pan is an excellent decision.
I just think it's so cool when you step back and think about it. Of course she's a brilliant kid (who's kid isn't?), but some of the things we take for granted as adults are just so freaking awesome to witness in children. Like the fact that she now understands the concept of time. Tomorrow follows today; it will start when I wake up in the morning. Or how she can remember the activities of not only today, but days, weeks, even months ago. (If I have to hear about Uncle James' animals from 3 months ago one more time..)
Watching her make a decision as simple as picking out a movie is terrific too. It's not just a movie.. it's a choice.. her choice. Something she tries everyday to establish, her independence, is just thrust upon her every evening before her movie time. You can watch her relish the moment as she walks back and forth eying the 10 or so DVDs laid out for her approval. Beaming, she'll pick a movie and remind me that she also learned a new phrase recently.. "Addie made good decision". That you did there kiddo, that you did, Peter Pan is an excellent decision.
Monday, August 24, 2009
We've finally got some waving going on around here. It's weird that she can walk completely by herself now and still can't wave, but such is life with babies. Tonight, though, I finally got her to wave... sort of. It was the smallest little open-handed, arm up and down sort of thing, but hey it's a start right?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The MorningRoutine
The morning routine in our household is pretty well set, and has been for a while now. We wake up each morning to Addie and Bethany "talking" back and forth to one another in their bedroom: "Baby Bethany.. Baaaabbbbyy Bethaaaannnyyy... Ackgh.. babababa.. Baby Bethany.." On and on it goes, and you have to hear how Addie draws out Beth's name.. it's freaking hilarious. I'll try to get that one on video for you.
Next we come down the stairs, making sure to make the "whooop" sound as we go under the ceiling part about 5 stairs from the bottom. Please don't ever forget the "whooop" sound, else all hell will break loose.
Then comes the perfectly placed pillows on couch, that must be angled just right before Princess Adalia will lay her sweet head upon them. Mickey Mouse must now be put on the tv.. don't offer up Tigger&Pooh, Handy Manny is not even an option, and no we will NOT be watching Tinkerbell this early in the morning. Only Mickey Mouse.
"Need somefing drink" Now comes the breakfast ritual. Milk and a fruit bar.. or when we want to really spice up the day, milk and a pop tart.
Ok we're set..everything's in place. The milk cup is perfectly perched on her lap, the pop tart is ready for the eating, the mouse is in the house.. "Good morning mommy."
Next we come down the stairs, making sure to make the "whooop" sound as we go under the ceiling part about 5 stairs from the bottom. Please don't ever forget the "whooop" sound, else all hell will break loose.
Then comes the perfectly placed pillows on couch, that must be angled just right before Princess Adalia will lay her sweet head upon them. Mickey Mouse must now be put on the tv.. don't offer up Tigger&Pooh, Handy Manny is not even an option, and no we will NOT be watching Tinkerbell this early in the morning. Only Mickey Mouse.
"Need somefing drink" Now comes the breakfast ritual. Milk and a fruit bar.. or when we want to really spice up the day, milk and a pop tart.
Ok we're set..everything's in place. The milk cup is perfectly perched on her lap, the pop tart is ready for the eating, the mouse is in the house.. "Good morning mommy."

Monday, August 17, 2009
Outdoors Time
Today Erik and I spent a while working on our dreaded yard. It's really the first time we've gotten out there to do anything other than mow this year. (It's hard to care much about your yard when they have a 30 foot hole in part of it.) We've been edging the sidewalk and were able to really increase the width of the walking space on the section we got done. I can't wait to get some more cleared away tomorrow. Addie was quite the helper, or so she thought. Nothing like slowing down the whole process just to let her help "shubble and sweep". Listening to her try to talk with a banged up lip was also pretty interesting today.
Bethany is finally enjoying the grass and likes to crawl/walk/tarzan across the yard now. You can see in this video how well she's getting at standing up completely unassisted. She was having a bit of trouble in the grass though, I think it will take some time to get used to walking in it.
Bethany is finally enjoying the grass and likes to crawl/walk/tarzan across the yard now. You can see in this video how well she's getting at standing up completely unassisted. She was having a bit of trouble in the grass though, I think it will take some time to get used to walking in it.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
First Trip to the ER
2 years, 5 months, 23 days, and about 20 hours... that's how long Little Miss Adalia Lea made it before making her first visit to the emergency room.
Today while heading up to take her afternoon nap, Addie tripped over the hallway rug and face-planted directly into the corner of the stairs. Erik says she cried for about 30 seconds and then handled it really well. He called me while at work to tell me what had happened and that he thought it looked pretty bad, but she seemed ok and had fallen asleep for her nap already. I assumed it wasn't that bad if that was the case and went on with my day.
After I got home Addie remained in bed napping for about another hour. When I went up to get her, she seemed a bit off and she wouldn't speak to me at all. I could see the scrape/bruise below her lip, but was afraid to open her mouth and take a look. I knew if it was busted up in there it might hurt her to open up. At this point I called my mom seeing what her opinion was. She wanted me to take her in, I didn't want to waste the money or time if it wasn't all that bad.. I mean kids get scraped up and I'm not one to run to the doctor for every little bruise. I should've known what she would say lol. Once I finally finagled my way into her mouth, I could see the gash was pretty bad. I decided it was time to take her in.
Addie and I headed off to the emergency room, Bethany in tow. It turns out it was a good decision. The doctor was a bit torn on if she should stitch it up or not as the inside of mouths tend to heal quickly on their own and stitches have a habit of falling out in there. She went back and forth for a minute, reluctant to stitch, but worried about how "flappy" it was. Finally she suggested we go ahead and stitch it and then start her on the meds. If the stitch falls out, it falls out, but it eased her mind. I loved how she kept looking at me waiting for me to make the decision. I know I'm the parent, but I was expecting her to tell me what she thought should be done for sure and then I'd say ok or not ok.
Adalia was an absolute champ in the exam room. She laid there peacefully on the bed while they felt around in her mouth and looked at the gash. I know she was in pain because she refused to talk and looked the part, but she was just such a trooper. The only time she cried at all was when one of the nurses held her head for the anesthsesia. The nurses were quite prepared for the worst as they had wrapped a sheet around her arms and held her head and shoulders. Addie got a bit scared when they grabbed her head, but other than that she was great. I reached up under the sheet to hold her hand and rubbed her leg with my other hand.
2 shots of anesthseia and 1 stitch later, she was good to go. The doctor and nurses were all amazed at how calm she was and how she handled the whole situation. They also said that she was so calm because I was so calm... (haha on the outside maybe, but my heart was breaking for her poor, big ol' sappy eyes) Actually I was pretty ok about the whole thing. It wasn't an emergency, and she was fine, just in pain and a cut mouth. (Bethy was more of a challenge to manage in there than Addie was!)
Addie was rewarded for her bravery with a trip to Wal-Mart and a new coloring book, some stickers, and some pudding. (Actually I bought up on pudding, jello, and ice-cream until I can figure out what other stuff she can tolerate in her mouth.. lucky her!! lol)
She finally spoke to me about 2 hours after we got home. But she's still mostly just nodding her head or using signs to communicate. (Haha! I knew they'd come in handy and weren't just for fun when she was younger lol!)
Today while heading up to take her afternoon nap, Addie tripped over the hallway rug and face-planted directly into the corner of the stairs. Erik says she cried for about 30 seconds and then handled it really well. He called me while at work to tell me what had happened and that he thought it looked pretty bad, but she seemed ok and had fallen asleep for her nap already. I assumed it wasn't that bad if that was the case and went on with my day.
After I got home Addie remained in bed napping for about another hour. When I went up to get her, she seemed a bit off and she wouldn't speak to me at all. I could see the scrape/bruise below her lip, but was afraid to open her mouth and take a look. I knew if it was busted up in there it might hurt her to open up. At this point I called my mom seeing what her opinion was. She wanted me to take her in, I didn't want to waste the money or time if it wasn't all that bad.. I mean kids get scraped up and I'm not one to run to the doctor for every little bruise. I should've known what she would say lol. Once I finally finagled my way into her mouth, I could see the gash was pretty bad. I decided it was time to take her in.
Addie and I headed off to the emergency room, Bethany in tow. It turns out it was a good decision. The doctor was a bit torn on if she should stitch it up or not as the inside of mouths tend to heal quickly on their own and stitches have a habit of falling out in there. She went back and forth for a minute, reluctant to stitch, but worried about how "flappy" it was. Finally she suggested we go ahead and stitch it and then start her on the meds. If the stitch falls out, it falls out, but it eased her mind. I loved how she kept looking at me waiting for me to make the decision. I know I'm the parent, but I was expecting her to tell me what she thought should be done for sure and then I'd say ok or not ok.
Adalia was an absolute champ in the exam room. She laid there peacefully on the bed while they felt around in her mouth and looked at the gash. I know she was in pain because she refused to talk and looked the part, but she was just such a trooper. The only time she cried at all was when one of the nurses held her head for the anesthsesia. The nurses were quite prepared for the worst as they had wrapped a sheet around her arms and held her head and shoulders. Addie got a bit scared when they grabbed her head, but other than that she was great. I reached up under the sheet to hold her hand and rubbed her leg with my other hand.
2 shots of anesthseia and 1 stitch later, she was good to go. The doctor and nurses were all amazed at how calm she was and how she handled the whole situation. They also said that she was so calm because I was so calm... (haha on the outside maybe, but my heart was breaking for her poor, big ol' sappy eyes) Actually I was pretty ok about the whole thing. It wasn't an emergency, and she was fine, just in pain and a cut mouth. (Bethy was more of a challenge to manage in there than Addie was!)
Addie was rewarded for her bravery with a trip to Wal-Mart and a new coloring book, some stickers, and some pudding. (Actually I bought up on pudding, jello, and ice-cream until I can figure out what other stuff she can tolerate in her mouth.. lucky her!! lol)
She finally spoke to me about 2 hours after we got home. But she's still mostly just nodding her head or using signs to communicate. (Haha! I knew they'd come in handy and weren't just for fun when she was younger lol!)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Clapping, Walking, and Necklaces
So my little walker has finally learned to clap! She's been clapping along with Addie all week now and it's so cute. I can't wait til she starts dancing too, that's the best.
Here she is showing off her super clapping skills:
She also learned to put on necklaces this week. I'm not sure how she learned that one at all, but I found her with it on over in the toy corner and figured Addie had put it on her. However, Bethany decided to show me for herself exactly how it happened and took it off and then put it right back on for me. Now anytime she finds the beads or ribbons she'll put them on around her neck or over her shoulders. It's amazing what kids can learn on their own too!
Beth can now also stand up completely on her own from the floor and walk wherever she wants to go. She doesn't even need to pull up on anything. This is soooo much faster than Addie ever did any of this stuff, so I'm pretty amazed. I really do think having big sister to chase around is all the encouragement she needs. I've got to get a video of it later for you to see.
And here's a video of Addie in her pretty yellow dress. A neighbor had two of the same play dresses, so she sent one home with us. Addie's in love with it now and wears it daily.
Here she is showing off her super clapping skills:
She also learned to put on necklaces this week. I'm not sure how she learned that one at all, but I found her with it on over in the toy corner and figured Addie had put it on her. However, Bethany decided to show me for herself exactly how it happened and took it off and then put it right back on for me. Now anytime she finds the beads or ribbons she'll put them on around her neck or over her shoulders. It's amazing what kids can learn on their own too!
Beth can now also stand up completely on her own from the floor and walk wherever she wants to go. She doesn't even need to pull up on anything. This is soooo much faster than Addie ever did any of this stuff, so I'm pretty amazed. I really do think having big sister to chase around is all the encouragement she needs. I've got to get a video of it later for you to see.
And here's a video of Addie in her pretty yellow dress. A neighbor had two of the same play dresses, so she sent one home with us. Addie's in love with it now and wears it daily.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Learning to Cut
Addie has been having a blast this past week after I bought her her first pair of scissors. I can sit her in the chair and let her cut paper and then glue them on other pages with her very own glue stick and she'll be content forever!
Our camera is getting a bit whacked out, so the color is off a bit but here's pretty Addie making yet another one of her beautiful collages.

Our camera is getting a bit whacked out, so the color is off a bit but here's pretty Addie making yet another one of her beautiful collages.

Saturday, August 8, 2009
A Cold in August?
Well this week started off with me coming down with some sort of a head cold that I've now given to both of the girls. Boooo.
Addie's not too bad when it comes to being sick. She can tell me what she needs and she usually just sort of zones out on couch. Bethany, on the other hand, is no fun at all while sick. First of all she can't breathe through her nose and this makes sucking a bottle or binky a challenge. Plus she gets sooo hot. I think she has a slightly above average body temp to begin with so when she gets even the smallest fever she just feels like she's boiling. It only got up to about 101.8 (only lol) but the poor thing was just suffering like crazy.
We've had a few very long nights this week and I'm really looking forward to her feeling better and me sleeping better.
Addie's not too bad when it comes to being sick. She can tell me what she needs and she usually just sort of zones out on couch. Bethany, on the other hand, is no fun at all while sick. First of all she can't breathe through her nose and this makes sucking a bottle or binky a challenge. Plus she gets sooo hot. I think she has a slightly above average body temp to begin with so when she gets even the smallest fever she just feels like she's boiling. It only got up to about 101.8 (only lol) but the poor thing was just suffering like crazy.
We've had a few very long nights this week and I'm really looking forward to her feeling better and me sleeping better.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Finally Out of Bed
Adalia has finally learned to climb out of the bed on her own at the ripe old age of 2 years and 5 months old. For the longest time I have been trying to coax her out of her crib. At first I lowered her side bar completely, showed her how to climb out and use a little chair to get down. Then I removed the sidebar completely and replaced it with one of those mesh safety rails (she still flops a bit while sleeping). There is a space between her headboard and the railing that she uses to get in and out of bed when I'm there, but she refuses to use it any other time.
I tell her frequently that it's ok to get out of bed or to come into mommy's room to get me, but instead she'll simply stay in bed and call for me or just talk back and forth with Bethany, who's in her own crib.
Well today I came home from work to find Addie out of bed and playing with Beth. She was passing her toys through the railings and just playing away. Bethany was giggling at everything she did.
So we can finally say that Addie can get out of bed on her own, although I doubt she'll start doing it each time.
I tell her frequently that it's ok to get out of bed or to come into mommy's room to get me, but instead she'll simply stay in bed and call for me or just talk back and forth with Bethany, who's in her own crib.
Well today I came home from work to find Addie out of bed and playing with Beth. She was passing her toys through the railings and just playing away. Bethany was giggling at everything she did.
So we can finally say that Addie can get out of bed on her own, although I doubt she'll start doing it each time.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Houston, We Have Lift-off.
It's official. Bethany is now part of the bipedal population. She took her first real steps last night. Well, they weren't really her first, but they were the first ones I've caught on film!!
I've uploaded 7 short videos of her walking onto photobucket, and I'd upload one onto blogger itself, but it takes forever. So I'll just plop one of the photobucket links up for now. You can see the other videos here.
I've uploaded 7 short videos of her walking onto photobucket, and I'd upload one onto blogger itself, but it takes forever. So I'll just plop one of the photobucket links up for now. You can see the other videos here.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
More tumors on Addie
Well this evening while holding Addie's hand I found another "knot" on her hand. It's on her right hand, at the outer base of her pinky finger. This brings her total, that I've found so far, to 3. I'm pretty upset about finding another one on her body, especially on her hand. I was really hoping they wouldn't grow on her hands, although I had no reason to believe they wouldn't if you take me for the example.
We have an appointment at Children's Mercy in KC in October to have them examined by the specialist. I don't know at this time if they will want to remove any of them or if they will just let them continue on as they are, but I'm worried and sad anywho. The thought of putting her in surgery or denying her the use of her hand, even if only for a small amount of time makes me very sad.
For those of you who don't know, Addie and I have a medical condition called Multiple Hereditary Osteochondromatosis (or MHE)
I'll keep you posted on any more that I find or what the doctor says once October rolls around.
We have an appointment at Children's Mercy in KC in October to have them examined by the specialist. I don't know at this time if they will want to remove any of them or if they will just let them continue on as they are, but I'm worried and sad anywho. The thought of putting her in surgery or denying her the use of her hand, even if only for a small amount of time makes me very sad.
For those of you who don't know, Addie and I have a medical condition called Multiple Hereditary Osteochondromatosis (or MHE)
I'll keep you posted on any more that I find or what the doctor says once October rolls around.
Learning to Poop
Who would've thunk that you actually have to teach some kids to get over the fear of pooping in the toilet? But apparently you do.
Addie has been potty training pretty successfully for the past 6-7 days now. She is not having too many accidents now and when she does it's almost always because I forget to remind her when she's watching a movie. The first few days went pretty well (from my view point at least, Erik may have a totally different perspective) and she is now actually telling me she needs to go sometimes, which is great. But for those first few days she didn't know how to poop on the toilet it seems. I almost thought we'd have to buy more diapers just to get her to go, but she finally did it and was awarded with some big high fives and lots of praise.
I know you guys are all very stoked to read about my kid's bowel movements, but hey this is big news in the ol' Merryman household. We're really happy that she's finally getting out of diapers.
Addie has been potty training pretty successfully for the past 6-7 days now. She is not having too many accidents now and when she does it's almost always because I forget to remind her when she's watching a movie. The first few days went pretty well (from my view point at least, Erik may have a totally different perspective) and she is now actually telling me she needs to go sometimes, which is great. But for those first few days she didn't know how to poop on the toilet it seems. I almost thought we'd have to buy more diapers just to get her to go, but she finally did it and was awarded with some big high fives and lots of praise.
I know you guys are all very stoked to read about my kid's bowel movements, but hey this is big news in the ol' Merryman household. We're really happy that she's finally getting out of diapers.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Things Are Changing
Erik got a new job working nights to help out with money until the railroad can hire him back full-time. We're both very happy about the extra income as it is getting pretty tight around here, but I'm so apprehensive about the changes. I'm worried how the girls will hold up to the changes in schedules and if daddy will be ok during the daytimes after having worked all night. But we've got to do what we've got to do.
Bethany is already feeling the changes around here. For the most part, Erik has been the head honcho when it comes to Bethy raising over the past few months because he just spends so much more time with her and knows her routines better. But now that I'll be dealing with her more in the evenings, her bedtime routine is getting revamped. No more of this rocking to sleep, and no more of this still being swaddled. I'm sure it will happen now and again, but tonight she was put to bed awake. I checked on her a few times, laid her back down when she was standing and she fussed herself to sleep. I hope we can do it that easily every night.
Bethany is already feeling the changes around here. For the most part, Erik has been the head honcho when it comes to Bethy raising over the past few months because he just spends so much more time with her and knows her routines better. But now that I'll be dealing with her more in the evenings, her bedtime routine is getting revamped. No more of this rocking to sleep, and no more of this still being swaddled. I'm sure it will happen now and again, but tonight she was put to bed awake. I checked on her a few times, laid her back down when she was standing and she fussed herself to sleep. I hope we can do it that easily every night.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Learning to Walk - Addie Style
So Bethany is learning to walk the best way possible.. by having her bestest, biggest sister help her along. This is how the two of them like to spend the time together. Talk about finding something fun for them both.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
30 Foot Hole
Well I now have a 30 foot hole in front of my house. Well I've had one for a while now, but I'm just now revealing my little secret to the rest of the world... or all five followers I have, whichever.
This is how it all started.. with the removal of that oh so hated/loved pine tree in front of our house. I loved the shade, hated the needles. Man did our front yard smell sooo nice that day.
And this is how it is today.. (by the way please note my awesome Captain Obvious moment in the video.. brilliant I am)
This is how it all started.. with the removal of that oh so hated/loved pine tree in front of our house. I loved the shade, hated the needles. Man did our front yard smell sooo nice that day.
And this is how it is today.. (by the way please note my awesome Captain Obvious moment in the video.. brilliant I am)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
15 lbs
I had both the girls checked out today and Bethany weighed in at a whopping 15lbs 01oz! Hurray finally some weight gain. That puts her at the 2.5 percentile.. much better than below the 0% mark that she was before. Measured at 26.5" tall still.
Addie on the other hand weighed in at 29 lbs.. which is 2 lbs more than usual and 38" tall. She's grown 2 inches and 2 lbs. She is 96th% for height and 64th% for weight.
It seems that Addie has so far taken all of the giant genes that get passed down from my side of the family. We'll see what happens in the future though.
Addie on the other hand weighed in at 29 lbs.. which is 2 lbs more than usual and 38" tall. She's grown 2 inches and 2 lbs. She is 96th% for height and 64th% for weight.
It seems that Addie has so far taken all of the giant genes that get passed down from my side of the family. We'll see what happens in the future though.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Dancing with Addie
Addie was really hamming it up dancing around the living room this morning. Unfortunately once we got the camera out she decided to tone it down... still fun to watch, but not nearly as crazy as the first go 'round!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Window Crayons
Erik had the brilliant idea to buy some window crayons today while at the store. They are a huge hit in the Merryman household. Addie has been "painting" all day on our sliding glass doors and then cleaning them off. I'm not sure which part she likes the most.. the drawing or the cleaning (mommy's little helper she is).
Friday, July 10, 2009
Bathtime Bethy
So this evening's bath was a bit funny. I put both of the girls in the tub like I usually do nowadays and right away Bethany starts going happy crazy. She really enjoys the bath a lot lately, but unfortunately for me that means a lot of trying to keep her from bashing her head on the tub. She wants to sit, now stand, now sit again, now crawl, now stand.. you get the picture.
Well tonight she was more energetic than normal. She pretty much refused to stay on her butt and only wanted to try to stand or be in the crawling position. This is the kicker though, while in the crawling position she kept crawling, and crawling, and crawling.. except she wasn't moving forward at all. It's like she figured out that her knees could slip and slide on the bottom of the tub and she could "run in place". It was hilarious. Every once in a while I'd pick her up and try to sit her on her butt again and when I did her heart was just racing. She was getting quite the workout it seems! Goofy little kid, lol.
After bathtime, Erik and I decided to go ahead and make the switch by putting Bethy's bed into Addie's room finally. Bethany has been sleeping in the guest bedroom for some time now, but with our a/c being on the fritz we decided to put them together so we could cool off just the two bedrooms with a window unit. Luckily we have some really great friends up here in Boone that were willing to loan us a window unit that they weren't using at the moment. Ahhh.. nothing like being poor.
Addie is very excited to have Beth in her room, although she doesn't quite understand that she has to be quiet when Beth's in there sleeping. She keeps telling me how much she's going to "talk nicely", but she's not very convincing when she's talking rather loudly while telling me.
So here's to hoping that tonight goes well for us all... i.e. Bethany doesn't wake up screaming 100 times keeping us all awake.
Well tonight she was more energetic than normal. She pretty much refused to stay on her butt and only wanted to try to stand or be in the crawling position. This is the kicker though, while in the crawling position she kept crawling, and crawling, and crawling.. except she wasn't moving forward at all. It's like she figured out that her knees could slip and slide on the bottom of the tub and she could "run in place". It was hilarious. Every once in a while I'd pick her up and try to sit her on her butt again and when I did her heart was just racing. She was getting quite the workout it seems! Goofy little kid, lol.
After bathtime, Erik and I decided to go ahead and make the switch by putting Bethy's bed into Addie's room finally. Bethany has been sleeping in the guest bedroom for some time now, but with our a/c being on the fritz we decided to put them together so we could cool off just the two bedrooms with a window unit. Luckily we have some really great friends up here in Boone that were willing to loan us a window unit that they weren't using at the moment. Ahhh.. nothing like being poor.
Addie is very excited to have Beth in her room, although she doesn't quite understand that she has to be quiet when Beth's in there sleeping. She keeps telling me how much she's going to "talk nicely", but she's not very convincing when she's talking rather loudly while telling me.
So here's to hoping that tonight goes well for us all... i.e. Bethany doesn't wake up screaming 100 times keeping us all awake.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
My God, it's Hot and Muggy
So I just need to vent a minute about how crappy life can be sometimes.
Our A/C has completely kaputted and we have no money to even have someone come take a look at it. Never mind the fact that I'm scared to have them look at our whole HVAC system as I'm afraid the house would be condemned or something because it's so darned shoddy and about 200 years old.
I know, I know.. A/C is NOT something that we have to have to survive, but when you're used to it, it sucks to all of a sudden go without. Especially when we didn't aclimate to the heat this year at all due to Erik's terrible allergies. The A/C has been on since April because of himm so our bodies are just not adjusted correctly.
So let's just add yet another thing to our ever-expanding list of things that need to be fixed or replaced or added in our household:
Garage roof
Leaking washer
Leaking bathtub
Insufficient insulation
Weedpatch.. I mean lawn
Brakes for one car
and many, many other things that don't even "need" to be fixed anytime soon, but are definately on the list of wants and wishes.
Man.. talk about being a negative nelly.. I just dampened the mood a lot.
Our A/C has completely kaputted and we have no money to even have someone come take a look at it. Never mind the fact that I'm scared to have them look at our whole HVAC system as I'm afraid the house would be condemned or something because it's so darned shoddy and about 200 years old.
I know, I know.. A/C is NOT something that we have to have to survive, but when you're used to it, it sucks to all of a sudden go without. Especially when we didn't aclimate to the heat this year at all due to Erik's terrible allergies. The A/C has been on since April because of himm so our bodies are just not adjusted correctly.
So let's just add yet another thing to our ever-expanding list of things that need to be fixed or replaced or added in our household:
Garage roof
Leaking washer
Leaking bathtub
Insufficient insulation
Weedpatch.. I mean lawn
Brakes for one car
and many, many other things that don't even "need" to be fixed anytime soon, but are definately on the list of wants and wishes.
Man.. talk about being a negative nelly.. I just dampened the mood a lot.
being poor,
murphy's law,
no air conditioning,
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Back to the Grind
Well I finally made it back to the gym today. It's pretty nice having a friend in town who is asking if I'll make it to the gym each day. I don't want to let her down, (not that she depends on my being there), and it's a great way to fool myself into going... you're going because she's there, right? I've been going, off and on, for the past 7 months. I know that if I put a little more effort into it and actually went more regularly I'd probably be seeing some really good results by now. But alas, I'm a lazy girl. It also doesn't help that I can't seem to change my eating habits whatsoever. But hey! I am starting to get quite a gun show going on in my biceps!! Woohoo!
Addie absolutely loves going to the Y nowadays.. or the toy room as she calls it. We'll go in and get her all situated with some markers and paper and then Erik and I will take off. She doesn't even bat an eye at us leaving. Bethany also seems to flourish while there. She gets to play with a lot of kids around and the women who watch them really adore Bethany.. her super cuteness probably helps! And of course she's always a dream child while there. But when we get home it's another story. She's usually tired, hungry, and needy by the time we make it home, which is always such a treat. I swear no one believes us when we tell them what a dragon she can be sometimes. She has the best way of only being the best little baby when others are around.
Addie absolutely loves going to the Y nowadays.. or the toy room as she calls it. We'll go in and get her all situated with some markers and paper and then Erik and I will take off. She doesn't even bat an eye at us leaving. Bethany also seems to flourish while there. She gets to play with a lot of kids around and the women who watch them really adore Bethany.. her super cuteness probably helps! And of course she's always a dream child while there. But when we get home it's another story. She's usually tired, hungry, and needy by the time we make it home, which is always such a treat. I swear no one believes us when we tell them what a dragon she can be sometimes. She has the best way of only being the best little baby when others are around.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Outdoor pool
Today I took the girls to the city pool. It's an outdoor pool with 3 separate sections, 2 of them being kiddie pools. It was pretty fun, but I forgot to put the sunscreen in the bag when we left so I was a little obsessed with keeping Bethy in my shadow the whole time we were there. It was late afternoon, early evening, but still. I'd be sooo upset if she had gotten even a small sunburn.
Addie really enjoyed herself and has been commenting on the "big pool" and the "little pool" since we left. She was able to stand in the "big pool" and the water would come up to her chin. Bethany was able to stand in the "little pool" and hold the side all by herself. Although Bethany had a fun time too, I think next time I will just take Adalia so she and I can enjoy our time a little more. That, or make Erik go with us!
Sorry no pictures of this adventure. I just had my hands full with two kiddos the whole time.
Addie really enjoyed herself and has been commenting on the "big pool" and the "little pool" since we left. She was able to stand in the "big pool" and the water would come up to her chin. Bethany was able to stand in the "little pool" and hold the side all by herself. Although Bethany had a fun time too, I think next time I will just take Adalia so she and I can enjoy our time a little more. That, or make Erik go with us!
Sorry no pictures of this adventure. I just had my hands full with two kiddos the whole time.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
4th of July Extravaganza....
So... in case you haven't noticed before, I'm not a big fan of the state of Iowa. There are many, many reasons why I have this negative attitude about this state, but I'll not bore you today with my rantings and ravings. I'll just tell you about the one that effects us most today.
Iowa is one of those states that has a ban on firework sales. You know what you can buy here to celebrate the 4th? Snap-pops, sparklers, and snakes. Let me repeat... snap-pops, sparklers, and snakes.
I'm not sure what kind of celebrations many of you have on the 4th, but where I'm from it includes lots of family, lots of food, and LOTS of booms and pretties. You really get a lot of booms and pretties from snap-pops, sparklers, and snakes.
Pair this lack of excitement with the fact that the only place that puts on a fireworks display near us is the Boone racetrack, which you have to pay $25 a person to get into, it's a pretty lame place to be for the 4th. The display at the track is also very lame in itself. They don't shoot them very high, probably so that people who aren't in the track (i.e. didn't pay money) can't get a *good* show, and also because the show itself is not very well choreographed.
So I thought I'd take the time to show you a bit of how we celebrated America's Independence here at our house, in the lame state of Iowa.

Iowa is one of those states that has a ban on firework sales. You know what you can buy here to celebrate the 4th? Snap-pops, sparklers, and snakes. Let me repeat... snap-pops, sparklers, and snakes.
I'm not sure what kind of celebrations many of you have on the 4th, but where I'm from it includes lots of family, lots of food, and LOTS of booms and pretties. You really get a lot of booms and pretties from snap-pops, sparklers, and snakes.
Pair this lack of excitement with the fact that the only place that puts on a fireworks display near us is the Boone racetrack, which you have to pay $25 a person to get into, it's a pretty lame place to be for the 4th. The display at the track is also very lame in itself. They don't shoot them very high, probably so that people who aren't in the track (i.e. didn't pay money) can't get a *good* show, and also because the show itself is not very well choreographed.
So I thought I'd take the time to show you a bit of how we celebrated America's Independence here at our house, in the lame state of Iowa.

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Last Day in KC
Happy Birthday Dad!! Love you lots!!
This afternoon we finally headed out of town for the trip back home to Iowa. It was a really nice four days, and as much as I dread having to get back to work, I'm glad to be at home with both girls and Erik.
Prior to heading out of town, we stopped over at my grandma's house so she could spend a little time with Beth before we left. She doesn't get to see her nearly as much as she sees Adalia, and I'd like for her to get to know her too.
Some of my family showed up at grandma's to hang out with us and see the girls before we left. Addie got to play in the water, run in the yard, and take daddy up the hill to see the dear food. (Coming down the hill was quite the adventure for both Erik and Addie, as I hear they toppled over and rolled most of the way down. Too bad I missed it!) My cousin's little boy, Austin, had a bubble blower there at grandma's that Addie really loved.

Bethy also enjoyed the bubbles too:
This afternoon we finally headed out of town for the trip back home to Iowa. It was a really nice four days, and as much as I dread having to get back to work, I'm glad to be at home with both girls and Erik.
Prior to heading out of town, we stopped over at my grandma's house so she could spend a little time with Beth before we left. She doesn't get to see her nearly as much as she sees Adalia, and I'd like for her to get to know her too.
Some of my family showed up at grandma's to hang out with us and see the girls before we left. Addie got to play in the water, run in the yard, and take daddy up the hill to see the dear food. (Coming down the hill was quite the adventure for both Erik and Addie, as I hear they toppled over and rolled most of the way down. Too bad I missed it!) My cousin's little boy, Austin, had a bubble blower there at grandma's that Addie really loved.

Bethy also enjoyed the bubbles too:
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Liberty Memorial
Today Erik and I went over to his dad's house to meet them for lunch. We left the girls at home with my mom because lunch with Tom and Mary, his grandma, usually takes 3-4 hours at least and I was not going to have them breakdown while at Avenues, a swanky bistro in Brookside.

The restaraunt didn't open until noon, so they offered to take us to the Liberty Memorial to kill time. Nothing like visiting a World War I museum with the inlaws!! Erik and I have been there before, but not since the new renovations.
The weather was perfect yet again today and walking up to the memorial we felt what it would be like for ancient romans or egyptians walking up to one of their giantic structures... but theirs were even bigger. We all spent a while inside the museum before going up into the memorial itself. Once at the top, it was a spectacular feeling. The wind was strong, the sun was hot, not a cloud in the sky. If I closed my eyes I could just imagine myself on in the mountains on a beautiful day again. I think I could've stayed up there all day long.
Erik and I talked about how we'd like to go back to the museum one day, just the two of us. As museums go, it was probably one of the better ones I've ever been to, not counting the likes of the Vatican and such! We'd like to spend a few hours there reading everything, learning what we can, and just going at our own pace.
On our way to the restaraunt Erik and I witnessed a man fall into the street and start to have seizures. Erik pulled the car over while I was dialing 911 and hopped out of the car to see if he was ok. The woman he was walking with didn't even know he had fallen, and she had kept going!! He seized for a few minutes as a crowd gathered around. Two women, one in nurses attire, stopped to "help", although they did nothing except hold an umbrella over his head. Really? You're a freaking nurse for crap's sake, and I'm the one down here doing all the checking, talking to the dispatcher, and telling him it will be ok. Erik thinks they were afraid of liability.... What is this world coming to? You can't help out your fellow man for fear of liability? Emergency services arrived and we left once he was in their capable hands.
Lunch at Avenues was great, as always. The food there is imepecable and the wine is awesome. Tom knows the staff there very well and they take very good care of him when he's there. Erik had the Kobe Burger... one of his life long dreams is to eat some Kobe beef. It may not have been a steak, but it probably the closest he'll get to one for a while.
As I predicted, lunch took several hours and I was very glad I decided not to bring the girls with us. I had to scramble around that afternoon asking my boss for tomorrow off too so we didn't have to hit the road after such a long lunch. Luckily he was able to pull through for me and we got to rest and relax one more night in KC before heading out of town.
The restaraunt didn't open until noon, so they offered to take us to the Liberty Memorial to kill time. Nothing like visiting a World War I museum with the inlaws!! Erik and I have been there before, but not since the new renovations.
The weather was perfect yet again today and walking up to the memorial we felt what it would be like for ancient romans or egyptians walking up to one of their giantic structures... but theirs were even bigger. We all spent a while inside the museum before going up into the memorial itself. Once at the top, it was a spectacular feeling. The wind was strong, the sun was hot, not a cloud in the sky. If I closed my eyes I could just imagine myself on in the mountains on a beautiful day again. I think I could've stayed up there all day long.
Erik and I talked about how we'd like to go back to the museum one day, just the two of us. As museums go, it was probably one of the better ones I've ever been to, not counting the likes of the Vatican and such! We'd like to spend a few hours there reading everything, learning what we can, and just going at our own pace.
On our way to the restaraunt Erik and I witnessed a man fall into the street and start to have seizures. Erik pulled the car over while I was dialing 911 and hopped out of the car to see if he was ok. The woman he was walking with didn't even know he had fallen, and she had kept going!! He seized for a few minutes as a crowd gathered around. Two women, one in nurses attire, stopped to "help", although they did nothing except hold an umbrella over his head. Really? You're a freaking nurse for crap's sake, and I'm the one down here doing all the checking, talking to the dispatcher, and telling him it will be ok. Erik thinks they were afraid of liability.... What is this world coming to? You can't help out your fellow man for fear of liability? Emergency services arrived and we left once he was in their capable hands.
Lunch at Avenues was great, as always. The food there is imepecable and the wine is awesome. Tom knows the staff there very well and they take very good care of him when he's there. Erik had the Kobe Burger... one of his life long dreams is to eat some Kobe beef. It may not have been a steak, but it probably the closest he'll get to one for a while.
As I predicted, lunch took several hours and I was very glad I decided not to bring the girls with us. I had to scramble around that afternoon asking my boss for tomorrow off too so we didn't have to hit the road after such a long lunch. Luckily he was able to pull through for me and we got to rest and relax one more night in KC before heading out of town.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Today Addie got to go on her first Zoo trip. Erik, Adalia, my brother Jacob, and I decided that it would be an awesome day to visit the Kansas City Zoo. The weather was perfect and we had no other plans. Thankfully my friend Jamie was kind enough to let us borrow her stroller for the day, especially since the KC Zoo is just so darned spread out.. Thanks so much again!
The day went well, although Erik and I were a bit surprised that Addie didn't get a little more excited over some of the animals. We thought she would've gone bonkers over the elephants and giraffes, but she seemed most excited to see the meerkats. I think she could've stayed with them all day, trying to put leaves in their habitat. (I guess she thought they would eat them? I'm not sure lol.)
Here are a few photos from the zoo. We didn't take many pictures that day but know that we all 4 of us had a good time.

And here's a few videos:
The day went well, although Erik and I were a bit surprised that Addie didn't get a little more excited over some of the animals. We thought she would've gone bonkers over the elephants and giraffes, but she seemed most excited to see the meerkats. I think she could've stayed with them all day, trying to put leaves in their habitat. (I guess she thought they would eat them? I'm not sure lol.)
Here are a few photos from the zoo. We didn't take many pictures that day but know that we all 4 of us had a good time.

And here's a few videos:
Well this seems to be the only vacation we'll be taking this year with the current state of the Merryman economy, i.e. our bank account.
Last week my mom came to our house and when she left she took Addie with her to Kansas City. She's been at her house for the past week and we're finally going to pick her up this week.
After a little bit of procrastination (see previous post) we finally got on the road. We wanted to make it into town by 4:00pm in order to rest up a bit before going to meet Erik's sister, Marissa, at his Aunt Debbie's house. The traveling down to KC went pretty well, probably because I spent most of it in the backseat with Bethy. I know she gets so bored back there without Addie in the car too. I'm not sure how I ever did this 4 hour drive with Addie alone before.. lots of creative singing and distracting with toys I suppose.
Dinner at Debbie's house was really good. She made the famous Walter family Lentil Soup, which I actually liked this time around! Go figure, I've actually developed mature taste buds after how many years? The girls were pretty well-behaved and it seemed to go smoothly. Meeting Marissa's (boy)friend, Ben, was nice too. (Thanks for letting us know he's your boyfriend, btw!! lol) I'm really happy that Marissa and Debbie finally were able to meet their nieces. And Marissa got schooled on lightning bug catching by Addie, which was a treat! I hope they enjoyed the evening as much as we did. Too bad bedtime comes early for little ones!
Last week my mom came to our house and when she left she took Addie with her to Kansas City. She's been at her house for the past week and we're finally going to pick her up this week.
After a little bit of procrastination (see previous post) we finally got on the road. We wanted to make it into town by 4:00pm in order to rest up a bit before going to meet Erik's sister, Marissa, at his Aunt Debbie's house. The traveling down to KC went pretty well, probably because I spent most of it in the backseat with Bethy. I know she gets so bored back there without Addie in the car too. I'm not sure how I ever did this 4 hour drive with Addie alone before.. lots of creative singing and distracting with toys I suppose.
Dinner at Debbie's house was really good. She made the famous Walter family Lentil Soup, which I actually liked this time around! Go figure, I've actually developed mature taste buds after how many years? The girls were pretty well-behaved and it seemed to go smoothly. Meeting Marissa's (boy)friend, Ben, was nice too. (Thanks for letting us know he's your boyfriend, btw!! lol) I'm really happy that Marissa and Debbie finally were able to meet their nieces. And Marissa got schooled on lightning bug catching by Addie, which was a treat! I hope they enjoyed the evening as much as we did. Too bad bedtime comes early for little ones!
Monday, June 29, 2009
New Game
Sunday marked the first of a few requested days off from work and Erik, Bethany, and I spent our last day without Addie not doing a whole lot. Erik and I recently got a new video game, (well new to us, but it's been out for about 8 months) Valkyria Chronicles, a turn based RPG. We really enjoy it and have been having some good times playing together. So we spent most of Sunday just lounging around figuring out the new game.
Monday came and we left the house early that morning... ok, ok. It wasn't early morning. More like 11am or so, but we just had to finish up the chapter we were on in the game!!
Monday came and we left the house early that morning... ok, ok. It wasn't early morning. More like 11am or so, but we just had to finish up the chapter we were on in the game!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Fishy Baby
We took Bethany to the Y to day to go swimming for her first time. Although she didn't really do much swimming per se, she definately took to the water like a little fishy. She only had slight hesitations at first, and by hestiations I really mean death grip on my arm. However, I don't blame her. The water was a bit cool at first and she was probably wondering what the crap was going on.
I'd have to say her favorite part was probably the side of the pool (she gets that from her big sister obviously). But she was able to sit and crawl around on the lip of the pool and still splash and be wet. We tried going under water once, but she wasn't really into that. Oh well, there's always next time! I was pretty excited for her today but am wondering how I'll do it alone with two girls when Addie's back in town. I think I'll have to get a floatie thing for one of them while I hold the other.

Of course I spent yesterday afternoon sweating my ass off mowing the grass only to have today be overcast and cooler. Of course.. I'm really hoping it will cool down a bit again so I can open the windows. Yep, I'm one of *those* people.. the ones who like to open the house up for fresh air any chance I get. Who doesn't like fresh air?
I'd have to say her favorite part was probably the side of the pool (she gets that from her big sister obviously). But she was able to sit and crawl around on the lip of the pool and still splash and be wet. We tried going under water once, but she wasn't really into that. Oh well, there's always next time! I was pretty excited for her today but am wondering how I'll do it alone with two girls when Addie's back in town. I think I'll have to get a floatie thing for one of them while I hold the other.

Of course I spent yesterday afternoon sweating my ass off mowing the grass only to have today be overcast and cooler. Of course.. I'm really hoping it will cool down a bit again so I can open the windows. Yep, I'm one of *those* people.. the ones who like to open the house up for fresh air any chance I get. Who doesn't like fresh air?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I love summer..
I love summer, I love summer, I love summer.. This is my new mantra. I want to keep reminding myself that I would much rather it be hot and miserable than cold and miserable. I mean really.. I remember just 5 short months ago it was about -20 degrees with a windchill hovering around -37 or something. And in only 5 more short months it will probably be -20 degrees again. (Man I dislike Iowa. See how nicely I said that?)
It's been really quiet here in the house without Addie's constant chatter. I know Bethany is living it up being the sole center of attention. I think it's good for her to get some alone time with mom and dad. She's really starting to babble more and more each day and we've been focusing on repeating the basics to her. It's so cute because everytime she sees the cat she starts going "ssssssss". So I should count that as her first word... or at least a valiant attempt at a word.
Watching Bethy today I couldn't help but think of how darn cute she is. I know I'm so biased, but dang watching this itty-bitty little girl stand up and cruise around the living room, only stopping to smile up at you when you catch her eye... It's sooo freaking adorable. (The empty mouth except those two viscious fangs on her bottom row is pretty cute too.)
I think I'm going to take Beth swimming for the first time tomorrow at the Y. I've taken Addie a few times, but now that I don't have to hold two of them, (more like drown two of them), I'm hoping Beth will enjoy the experience. I'm a bit concerned with the amount of chlorine in the indoor pool, but it seemed to be ok the other times I've gone. If she really likes the water, we'll definately be making a trip to the outdoor pool in the next week or two when Addie is home.
Let me backpedal a bit here.. I know I said it's nice and quiet without Adalia around, but man I miss her. Sometimes I think it's actually getting harder to leave her the older she gets. Shouldn't it be the other way around? She's just so special to me and I miss having her around. Her personality is really shining lately and she can actually hold conversations with you. How fun! I'm sure the time will pass by fast enough and she'll be mad at me for making her come home.
It's been really quiet here in the house without Addie's constant chatter. I know Bethany is living it up being the sole center of attention. I think it's good for her to get some alone time with mom and dad. She's really starting to babble more and more each day and we've been focusing on repeating the basics to her. It's so cute because everytime she sees the cat she starts going "ssssssss". So I should count that as her first word... or at least a valiant attempt at a word.
Watching Bethy today I couldn't help but think of how darn cute she is. I know I'm so biased, but dang watching this itty-bitty little girl stand up and cruise around the living room, only stopping to smile up at you when you catch her eye... It's sooo freaking adorable. (The empty mouth except those two viscious fangs on her bottom row is pretty cute too.)
I think I'm going to take Beth swimming for the first time tomorrow at the Y. I've taken Addie a few times, but now that I don't have to hold two of them, (more like drown two of them), I'm hoping Beth will enjoy the experience. I'm a bit concerned with the amount of chlorine in the indoor pool, but it seemed to be ok the other times I've gone. If she really likes the water, we'll definately be making a trip to the outdoor pool in the next week or two when Addie is home.
Let me backpedal a bit here.. I know I said it's nice and quiet without Adalia around, but man I miss her. Sometimes I think it's actually getting harder to leave her the older she gets. Shouldn't it be the other way around? She's just so special to me and I miss having her around. Her personality is really shining lately and she can actually hold conversations with you. How fun! I'm sure the time will pass by fast enough and she'll be mad at me for making her come home.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Catching Up
Boy I've missed a few days already!! What a bad, bad blogger lol.
The past few days have been somewhat eventful. My mom and aunt came to visit us on Monday night as planned. It was nice to finally have some people come to our house again. Too bad Erik and I weren't able to spend much time with them.
Instead, Erik and I went out to eat some wings and drink some beer with some friends of ours. The wings and beer were great!! After eating, we headed over to Perfect Games, a new bowling alley/arcade/laser tag place in Ames. Bowled a game, drank some more, played laser tag, drank some more, cut my foot, drank some more... wait. huh? Ya I cut my foot on some glass while there. How did that glass get there? Oh.. that would probably be from the glass that I knocked out of Erik's hand while I was a bit inebriated. Ok, I'll admit it, I was a LOT inebriated. That's what happens when you've not had much to drink in the past, oh 3 years or so, and then go on a drinking rampage!
Anywho, it was a blast. And it was soooo nice to be able to let loose and know that my girls were being taken care of, that I didn't have to rush my fun, and that I could act like an adult, albeit an immature adult!
Addie, Grandma, and Aunt Christine got to finally try out Addie's new sandbox. She really seemed to enjoy it. It took a bit of coaxing to get her to really dig in and get dirty. She kept holding up her hands to have them wiped off when they'd get all sandy. (Such a girly-girl!) Later while inside, she showed off her awesome architectual skills by build numerous block towers.. only to have Godzilla, I mean Bethany, come over and knock them down uncerimoniously.
They left last night, with Addie in tow. I wish our guests could've stayed a bit longer, but it's ok as I'll be going to visit them next week when I go to pick up Addie in KC. The awesome thing about next week is not only will I be getting Adalia back (already miss her!), but Erik's sister is going to be in town and will finally get to meet her nieces. I know Erik is excited to see her and I am too. I'm hoping they both have dirty diapers while we're with her.. just so she can be even more grossed out!! HAHA
Bethany is in a great mood these past few days.. well actually her mood is just constantly improving over the past few weeks. I think that being so mobile and a lot more independent is really starting to help her out. She is just being a show off lately when it comes to standing without holding on to things, and last night she even attempted to take a step to Erik. It was completely out of no where; I'm not even sure if she knew she was going to do it. So she almost toppled over, but Super-Dad was there to catch her. Oh.. and let's not forget the great reminder she gave mommy about keeping the gate up on the stairs. Yep.. she was up about 11/15 stairs before I even realized. (Bad, bad mommy!) Luckily I caught her while she was giggling and trying to race up the stairs faster. Crazy girl!
The past few days have been somewhat eventful. My mom and aunt came to visit us on Monday night as planned. It was nice to finally have some people come to our house again. Too bad Erik and I weren't able to spend much time with them.
Instead, Erik and I went out to eat some wings and drink some beer with some friends of ours. The wings and beer were great!! After eating, we headed over to Perfect Games, a new bowling alley/arcade/laser tag place in Ames. Bowled a game, drank some more, played laser tag, drank some more, cut my foot, drank some more... wait. huh? Ya I cut my foot on some glass while there. How did that glass get there? Oh.. that would probably be from the glass that I knocked out of Erik's hand while I was a bit inebriated. Ok, I'll admit it, I was a LOT inebriated. That's what happens when you've not had much to drink in the past, oh 3 years or so, and then go on a drinking rampage!
Anywho, it was a blast. And it was soooo nice to be able to let loose and know that my girls were being taken care of, that I didn't have to rush my fun, and that I could act like an adult, albeit an immature adult!
Addie, Grandma, and Aunt Christine got to finally try out Addie's new sandbox. She really seemed to enjoy it. It took a bit of coaxing to get her to really dig in and get dirty. She kept holding up her hands to have them wiped off when they'd get all sandy. (Such a girly-girl!) Later while inside, she showed off her awesome architectual skills by build numerous block towers.. only to have Godzilla, I mean Bethany, come over and knock them down uncerimoniously.
They left last night, with Addie in tow. I wish our guests could've stayed a bit longer, but it's ok as I'll be going to visit them next week when I go to pick up Addie in KC. The awesome thing about next week is not only will I be getting Adalia back (already miss her!), but Erik's sister is going to be in town and will finally get to meet her nieces. I know Erik is excited to see her and I am too. I'm hoping they both have dirty diapers while we're with her.. just so she can be even more grossed out!! HAHA
Bethany is in a great mood these past few days.. well actually her mood is just constantly improving over the past few weeks. I think that being so mobile and a lot more independent is really starting to help her out. She is just being a show off lately when it comes to standing without holding on to things, and last night she even attempted to take a step to Erik. It was completely out of no where; I'm not even sure if she knew she was going to do it. So she almost toppled over, but Super-Dad was there to catch her. Oh.. and let's not forget the great reminder she gave mommy about keeping the gate up on the stairs. Yep.. she was up about 11/15 stairs before I even realized. (Bad, bad mommy!) Luckily I caught her while she was giggling and trying to race up the stairs faster. Crazy girl!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
It's Friday.. for me at least
Finally, another week of work is done. Thank goodness. I hate to admit it but I think the powerball gods have forsaken me. I've yet to win any money,(actually I've not won even a free ticket in forever), and I see no end in sight to me working. Gah!
Tomorrow should be a big day. Addie will finally get to play in her sand, and hopefully I'll have some visitors! We'll see though. It's only supposed to be about 94 degrees here tomorrow, let's just hope the A/C doesn't konk out on us again like it did a few days ago..... yes I'll admit, I am addicted to the A/C this year. Normally I wouldn't even have turned it on by now, but somebody had to go and have really bad allergies this year. That somebody won't go to a doctor and get any meds, so instead we all clustered into our house and shut out the world, and the allergies.
Adalia spent the evening trying to figure out how to put hair ties into her own hair. When asked several times if she'd like some assistance she answered with the now all-to-familiar "no, my do it, my help you" (Addie translation: "No, mother. I believe I can do this on my own. I will not need your assistance at this moment as I believe I am all the help I will need in all of my endeavours.)
Bethy and Addie also played on Beth's new cardboard box... yes, a cardboard box. What can I say, my kids are easily amused and a copy paper box can last them for weeks of fun. Addie would stand on one side with some toys and then yell or scream something at Beth, who would then scream back at her and laugh like no other. She also took this opportunity to show us all again that she can now stand on her own, holding onto nothing. Man what am I going to do with two of them running around here? Nevermind, who am I kidding? I can't wait for her to walk, just as I couldn't wait for her to crawl. I love it!
Erik's Father's Day was pretty bleh. I had to work yesterday and today so I never got out to get anything and didn't want to bake anything last night. But little does he know that he'll be getting a gift from the girls later this week! muahahaha (I'm so sneaky.. just hope he doesn't read the blog for a while lol.)
Tomorrow should be a big day. Addie will finally get to play in her sand, and hopefully I'll have some visitors! We'll see though. It's only supposed to be about 94 degrees here tomorrow, let's just hope the A/C doesn't konk out on us again like it did a few days ago..... yes I'll admit, I am addicted to the A/C this year. Normally I wouldn't even have turned it on by now, but somebody had to go and have really bad allergies this year. That somebody won't go to a doctor and get any meds, so instead we all clustered into our house and shut out the world, and the allergies.
Adalia spent the evening trying to figure out how to put hair ties into her own hair. When asked several times if she'd like some assistance she answered with the now all-to-familiar "no, my do it, my help you" (Addie translation: "No, mother. I believe I can do this on my own. I will not need your assistance at this moment as I believe I am all the help I will need in all of my endeavours.)
Bethy and Addie also played on Beth's new cardboard box... yes, a cardboard box. What can I say, my kids are easily amused and a copy paper box can last them for weeks of fun. Addie would stand on one side with some toys and then yell or scream something at Beth, who would then scream back at her and laugh like no other. She also took this opportunity to show us all again that she can now stand on her own, holding onto nothing. Man what am I going to do with two of them running around here? Nevermind, who am I kidding? I can't wait for her to walk, just as I couldn't wait for her to crawl. I love it!
Erik's Father's Day was pretty bleh. I had to work yesterday and today so I never got out to get anything and didn't want to bake anything last night. But little does he know that he'll be getting a gift from the girls later this week! muahahaha (I'm so sneaky.. just hope he doesn't read the blog for a while lol.)
Friday, June 19, 2009
Grease Lightning!
Oh man.. Bethany has figured out how to race around the house in her walker now. She's like grease lightning she's so fast!! I'm really excited that she finally figured out that she could be mobile in that thing instead of just getting mad and wanting out. I had to take the seat out and wash it though as it was covered in biter biscuit gooo!!! Yum yum.
Addie has yet to play in her new sandbox I just had to get her. I've been hesitant to open the sand bags until I'm sure that I've put it in the place I want it.. once they're opened, no more moving of that heavy thing!!
She's anxiously awaiting Grandma coming to our house this coming week. I'll admit it.. I am too! It will be so nice to have my mom here (not that I'll probably see her much as Erik's made plans for every waking minute of having a family babysitter in town lol.) It just sucks not having family nearby to come and visit, or to give us a break when we really need one. And though I have some great friends up here, I'd hate to stick them with the girls for more time than is necessary.
As for the rest of us(Erik and the cats I guess), we're all doing fine for now. It's getting hot finally in Iowa, but really it's Iowa.. how hot can it really be?
Addie has yet to play in her new sandbox I just had to get her. I've been hesitant to open the sand bags until I'm sure that I've put it in the place I want it.. once they're opened, no more moving of that heavy thing!!
She's anxiously awaiting Grandma coming to our house this coming week. I'll admit it.. I am too! It will be so nice to have my mom here (not that I'll probably see her much as Erik's made plans for every waking minute of having a family babysitter in town lol.) It just sucks not having family nearby to come and visit, or to give us a break when we really need one. And though I have some great friends up here, I'd hate to stick them with the girls for more time than is necessary.
As for the rest of us(Erik and the cats I guess), we're all doing fine for now. It's getting hot finally in Iowa, but really it's Iowa.. how hot can it really be?
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