
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Back to the Grind

Well I finally made it back to the gym today. It's pretty nice having a friend in town who is asking if I'll make it to the gym each day. I don't want to let her down, (not that she depends on my being there), and it's a great way to fool myself into going... you're going because she's there, right? I've been going, off and on, for the past 7 months. I know that if I put a little more effort into it and actually went more regularly I'd probably be seeing some really good results by now. But alas, I'm a lazy girl. It also doesn't help that I can't seem to change my eating habits whatsoever. But hey! I am starting to get quite a gun show going on in my biceps!! Woohoo!

Addie absolutely loves going to the Y nowadays.. or the toy room as she calls it. We'll go in and get her all situated with some markers and paper and then Erik and I will take off. She doesn't even bat an eye at us leaving. Bethany also seems to flourish while there. She gets to play with a lot of kids around and the women who watch them really adore Bethany.. her super cuteness probably helps! And of course she's always a dream child while there. But when we get home it's another story. She's usually tired, hungry, and needy by the time we make it home, which is always such a treat. I swear no one believes us when we tell them what a dragon she can be sometimes. She has the best way of only being the best little baby when others are around.

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