
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 2

Day 2 of being alone. Today started off in a hurry as I overslept. How one manages to turn off 3 alarms and still find a way to get back to sleep, I'll never know. I was having dreams about what I think Twilight? Who knows as I've never seen or read it. But apparently my mind just made up its own version of how the story should go. It was a real page turner in my brain, as I was not able to pull myself out of the dream. We only showed up at Heather's (new daycare) 10-15 minutes after I said we'd be there.

My stress level at work is kind of high lately. I am short 2 managers as I never replaced the first one that was promoted, and now am trying to train people on the go. With Erik's departure and now another employee's guard duty taking her away for weeks, I'm really struggling with the scheduling. I know it will improve, but something's got to give. I have no one who's willing to pick up any slack, and with a tight daycare schedule, it's almost impossible for me to put in any extra hours currently. Oh how I wish I had family nearby... again.

This evening was a bit trying with the girls too. It's hot and I'm tired. Both of their naps were very short compared to normal and you could tell they were tired. This dog is getting on my last freaking nerve. He's still pissing everywhere and I'm sick of it. What helpful advice do I get from my charming husband? "You're just going to have to take him out more babe." Says the man who's only been gone 2 days and already doesn't understand. This was our choice and I'm to blame as much as he, but I can already tell I'll end up resenting him somewhat for this move. It's a bad feeling, but what other choice do we have? We want to live the life we want to live, and the only way to do that is to actually make money and continue down the path to becoming debt free.

I was able to squeeze in another 20 minute workout tonight. My muscles were aching all day from the one on Sunday evening, so I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, but I can't wait for next week. I'm going to try to track this as best I can with pictures and such, but I'm too chicken to post the before shots until I know I've got some results to put them up against. I even got Addie to do a few minutes of the program with me... that is a show I'll tell ya.

Oh ya and the remote has been MIA for 2.5 days now. No where to be found. Please send help!

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