Boy I've missed a few days already!! What a bad, bad blogger lol.
The past few days have been somewhat eventful. My mom and aunt came to visit us on Monday night as planned. It was nice to finally have some people come to our house again. Too bad Erik and I weren't able to spend much time with them.
Instead, Erik and I went out to eat some wings and drink some beer with some friends of ours. The wings and beer were great!! After eating, we headed over to Perfect Games, a new bowling alley/arcade/laser tag place in Ames. Bowled a game, drank some more, played laser tag, drank some more, cut my foot, drank some more... wait. huh? Ya I cut my foot on some glass while there. How did that glass get there? Oh.. that would probably be from the glass that I knocked out of Erik's hand while I was a bit inebriated. Ok, I'll admit it, I was a LOT inebriated. That's what happens when you've not had much to drink in the past, oh 3 years or so, and then go on a drinking rampage!
Anywho, it was a blast. And it was soooo nice to be able to let loose and know that my girls were being taken care of, that I didn't have to rush my fun, and that I could act like an adult, albeit an immature adult!
Addie, Grandma, and Aunt Christine got to finally try out Addie's new sandbox. She really seemed to enjoy it. It took a bit of coaxing to get her to really dig in and get dirty. She kept holding up her hands to have them wiped off when they'd get all sandy. (Such a girly-girl!) Later while inside, she showed off her awesome architectual skills by build numerous block towers.. only to have Godzilla, I mean Bethany, come over and knock them down uncerimoniously.
They left last night, with Addie in tow. I wish our guests could've stayed a bit longer, but it's ok as I'll be going to visit them next week when I go to pick up Addie in KC. The awesome thing about next week is not only will I be getting Adalia back (already miss her!), but Erik's sister is going to be in town and will finally get to meet her nieces. I know Erik is excited to see her and I am too. I'm hoping they both have dirty diapers while we're with her.. just so she can be even more grossed out!! HAHA
Bethany is in a great mood these past few days.. well actually her mood is just constantly improving over the past few weeks. I think that being so mobile and a lot more independent is really starting to help her out. She is just being a show off lately when it comes to standing without holding on to things, and last night she even attempted to take a step to Erik. It was completely out of no where; I'm not even sure if she knew she was going to do it. So she almost toppled over, but Super-Dad was there to catch her. Oh.. and let's not forget the great reminder she gave mommy about keeping the gate up on the stairs. Yep.. she was up about 11/15 stairs before I even realized. (Bad, bad mommy!) Luckily I caught her while she was giggling and trying to race up the stairs faster. Crazy girl!