
Thursday, January 14, 2010

All coming together

So it's all starting to come together at work for me now. This week I've been doing less cleaning and more counting and sorting. I'm starting to feel like the place is more mine than someone else's, which is really nice. I'm thinking that within the next 5 days or so I'll have it all up to speed, then I'll only have to worry about doing the daily work and getting the computer to order the correct things.
My supervisor stopped by today to help out with the ice/snow build-up outside. He seems great so far. I really like how laid back he is and his willingness to get dirty if need be. He also gave me a few compliments, which of course gave me some more confidence in what I'm doing.

At home we've been talking non-stop about Addie's impending 3rd birthday. She doesn't know exactly how far out it is, but she knows that she'll be 3 very soon. It's weird though, because she's been going through a bit of a regression of sorts lately. She really wants to treated like a baby a lot, insisting she's a "big girl baby". I think a little bit of jealously is starting to sink in about Bethany and the past 4 months have been just crazy for her. In and out of daycare, back home with dad all day long, and now I'm gone even longer than before. Unfortunately (in Erik's mind) she has gotten into the habit of sleeping with me every night too. While Erik was out of town for work, I really liked cuddling up with her in bed and falling asleep. But now we've started a trend that is proving to be very hard to break. I really have no inclination to stop her from sleeping with me, but I know that it really irks Erik, so I'm trying to find a happy medium. I know that as we move closer and closer to Erik getting his job back, I'll be sleeping a lot alone and will have absolutely no qualms about allowing Addie in bed with me. But sometimes I catch myself second guessing and thinking that it's not a good idea. Either way, I think there are pros and cons to it and we'll just have to play it by ear.

I've also started tentatively planning a vacation to Ohio this spring. I've never been to Ohio and we've been promising to come and visit Erik's mom for a while now. I'm tired of every year saying "maybe next year". So I'm just going to do it, that's it! I'm really looking into taking a train ride there, but am nervous about the cost and how the girls will do. Either way it will be rough on them. A 13+ hour drive in the car, or a 18+ hour journey on the trains. At least on the trains we can get up and walk around and I can focus on the girls. I'll let you know when we get closer to the date what we intend on doing.

1 comment:

  1. I am SO glad that work is going better for you! That just makes the days go by faster! I wake up to Ethan in our bed every morning. I actually LOVE it because he is so sweet to cuddle up with. However, when I get bigger, I don't think he will fit :-( Eventually, he will want to sleep all night in his room, but I don't want to evict him just yet :-) I would say trains, so you can play with the girls and you can all take a nap together if needed! Driving is stressful! We drove to MN (10 hours) this past fall and it was tough. Good luck!
