With the added stress I've been under lately, I was having a hard time getting into Halloween this year. Which sucks, btw, as Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love the decorations, I love to hand out candy to kids, and now I'm really loving taking the girls around to trick-or-treat. Plus any holiday that is pretty much centered on candy cannot be a bad thing right? Well I hadn't put up any decorations, we didn't carve any pumpkins, and I had no idea what the girls were going to dress up for this year.
At the last minute I ran to Wal-Mart and picked a bag of candy to pass out. Ya.. I said "a" bag of candy. I refuse to buy the crap candy and the good stuff is expensive nowadays!! So being on a budget, I had to tell myself that there'd be no handfuls of yummy candy bars for kids this year.. just one piece per kid. (Oh the humanity!!!!) While at Wallyworld I grabbed the girls some costumes. Addie, a pirate princess, and Bethy, an elephant. Not the most unique costumes in the world, but hey they worked. And... my girls can pull of anything!! lol (ok ok I'm a bit biased)
(Don't mind the crappy coloring on the photos.. please refer to the other post about me needing a new camera!!)