I had to drive all the way down to Des Moines to pick up a Big Lots ad, and then to a Wal-Mart down there before I was able to get the deal to work, but after a little effort I was able to walk away from Wal-Mart with 36 board games for $32 plus tax. I was so friggin' excited to pull off this deal, as the games cost somewhere around $490 before the coupons and price matching. I plan on donating 28 of them and keeping 4 for us and 4 for the neighbor who watched the girls while I tried out this super deal.
Edit in a few weeks later:
My whole intent was to wait for the Toys For Tots boxes to pop up in town and then the girls and I would go and take pictures of an empty box getting fuller and fuller with our board games. However, after a bout of serious cleaning, I couldn't stand looking at the wall of games in my dining room any longer. So I called up the Marines Corps recruiters in Ames and asked if I could just drop them by. They were totally ok with that and I was super happy to empty the dining room. So sadly, I have only this picture to share with you and none of the box getting fuller and fuller! (If it makes it any better, I did get to talk with some pretty hot Marines though!)
2 Chutes & Ladders
2 Game of Life
2 Monopoly Electronic Banking
2 Candyland
1 Memory Toy Story
1 Memory Ni Hao Kai Lan
2 Scrabble Turbo
1 Scrabble Flash
1 Simon Flash
1 Bop It
1 Bounce It
2 Scrabbel Alphabet Scoop
2 Connect 4 Launchers
2 Connect 4
2 Scrabble
2 Toy Story Operation
2 Battleship
2 Guess Who
2 Monopoly
2 Cootie
2 Sorry
Total pre-tax OOP - $32.00 Total worth - $488.86 Savings - 93%
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