I'll give you a quick run down via pictures of the project from start to finish.
Here is our yard December 27th, 2006. Just a short week or so after we moved in. You can see that there are still trees in the yard at that point, that eventually came down either from weather or when we cut them down (they were dead either way).

This is the yard right after it was leveled out a bit and graded.
Here are some shots of the grass growing a few weeks later:
Here is a pile of rocks... a pile of rocks that I pulled out of the yard by hand. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about the rocks. Well, when we had the yard leveled and graded, we did not have a layer of topsoil brought in (don't get me started) and all of the crap dirt from that gigantic pile I had dumped last summer was just spread out over our yard! I was soooo upset. Here we are trying to make a better yard for our kids to play in and instead I've made a rocky, debris filled, death trap! I spent several nights out in the yard just pulling up rocks and tossing them into a bucket, only to dump them later. Unfortunately the grass came in too fast and too well because I didn't even get to canvass the whole yard. If you notice in some of the previous pictures, you'll see where I had sectioned off the yard with string to try and get it all picked up. Seriously, I was pissed and very determined to make our yard great.
Next up on the list was the fence! (The best part in my opinion.) The guys who put it up were very quick and I thought it looked great.